Wonder if it was possible to travel away from your stress and anxiety in a moments notice?
Wonder if you could take a real break from your troubles in an instant and rest?
In this fast and fascinating world of technology, so much is possible for us now… and yet somehow while we are more connected to others, we are often leaving ourselves in the dust. We have plugged into the vast internet that technology has now offered on a silver platter, and yet many of us often feel that we have lost ourselves.
Anxiety, stress, and PTSD are at an all time high. More people are taking pain, sleep and anti-anxiety medications. And when those avenues disappoint, many turn to harder drugs and alcohol, where they find themselves in an even darker place than ever before.
The answer for so many people is to journey inward. To unplug from the outside world for short periods of time without the need for a machine or a pill or a drink. In truth, the answers for all of us, lie within.
Today’s fast paced, technology focused lifestyle has our minds reeling in many directions at the same time. The ability to multitask now seems essential to keep up with the demands we put on ourselves. Turning down the chatter and echo of fears in our brains often seems impossible.
However, our brains are wired to give us rest. It knows how to heal our bodies, how to find the way out of any situation that we come across. More importantly, it can give us the rest we need to remember who we really are. In that space, we can make the important changes that will enable us to build our best lives.
Guided imagery is a the way to train our brains to take us to the door of our subconscious and within to find a place of instant rest and relaxation. A place where we can take a much needed breathe and search within to find the road to peace in our lives.
“Guided” journeys are easier negotiated when we are listening to a recording or better yet, when a trained therapist who knows our needs mentally leads us to relax and disconnect from the outside world. There is a component of self hypnosis to this procedure, but at no time does one lose touch with who or where they are. They are in a state of deep day dreaming. Like anything, getting there in a moments notice takes practice. The more a person is able to let go and follow the journey inward, the easier and faster they find themselves able to relax into that waking slumber. If the purpose is to sleep, then dropping off into slumber is much easier once the mind is focused on rest.
However, if the purpose is to find answers to questions, the path to a better life, the ability to redirect away from toxic people, substances, self doubt, guilt, shame, or fears that have sucked the life force, then the strength and answers lie within.
Massage4Spirit offers guided imagery sessions that have helped many find a way to a more balanced and peaceful life. Guided Imagery alone or in combination with massage or with energy work, offers a person the ability to relax and explore the inner recesses of their minds for quiet answers, while teaching the mind to quickly refocus from fears to complete relaxation. These sessions can teach the brain to form pathways so a person can access that journey on their own at anytime, night or day.
For those that find themselves unable to disconnect their minds from the worry, the endless daily lists, the anxiety that enough hasn’t been done, or done right… Guided Imagery may be the answer back to themselves. A way to a happier, healthier, more balanced life.